Precious Plant Salve

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Precious Plant Save: This incredibly potent, plant-based salve is an essential first aid ointment.  Using an infusion of wild harvested, organic herbs Oregano, Neem & Calendula. It also has the most nourishing & compatible organic plant based oils for your skin! Healing, hydrating, natural, versatile & powerful! Everything in one harmonious blend. 
This salve can provide relief from rashes, fungal infections, bug bites, bee stings, eczema, psoriasis dry/cracked skin, cuts/scrapes as well as promote skin cell regeneration and wound healing. 
The herbs I chose and why: 
Oregano is a member of the mint family and has been considered a precious plant for over 2500 years! It is a powerful antibacterial & anti-fungal agent. In addition it has amazing anti-inflammatory antioxidant, anti-parasitic & anti-viral properties. 
Oregano is packed full of medicinal & health benefits. It has Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, copper, magnesium, iron, niacin, thiamine and calcium. It also contains more antioxidants than blueberries!
The two key compounds (or phytonutrients) in oregano that give it its healing properties are thymol & carvacrol that work to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals. 

Neem is a traditional medicine used for over 5000 years, so powerful it is nicknamed “the village pharmacy”. Neem has been used for arthritis, eczema, acne, psoriasis, rashes, bug bites, athletes foot, jock itch, dry skin, wrinkles & many more. The essential fatty acids found in neem also help moisturize & hydrate the skin.Neem is anti-viral anti-parasitic anti-inflammatory antifungal antibacterial antioxidant & anti-diabetic. The antioxidative properties in neem oil, including flavonoids and carotenoids, reduce oxidative stress that results in aging. Making it truly one of the most ancient & powerful plants for healing!

Calendula officinalis, also known among herbalist as “Mother of the Skin”has been used to soothe inflammation and other skin-related ailments since the 16th century. Calendula has many health benefits but is most recognized for its effectiveness for treating skin problems such as wounds, burns, insect bites, psoriasis, eczema, shingles, varicose veins and skin ulcers. This herb is known to promote cell repair, and offers antiseptic, anti inflammatory, and anti fungal properties making it suitable for just about all skin conditions

Other Ingredients: Organic unrefined coconut oil, organic coldpressed olive oil, organic raw shea butter, organic unrefined jojoba oil & lavender essential oil